Constance Campus
Long Day Care & Kindy
Long day care services provide care and education for children from birth to school age, including before and after school care, depending on the individual service. Services operate between 7.00am am to 5.30pm, weekdays at Constance and Dunlop Street Campus sites.
We operate the Queensland Government’s approved Kindy Program with the aim to make our kindergarten program more widely accessible to families in the region.
Our vision is for all children to experience a fun, play based and learning program that is engaging and builds success for life.
All aspects of our programs, activities and experiences comply with the requirements of the Child Care Act (2010) and Child Care Regulations (2011). We base our pro-grams on the learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework Belonging, Being & Becoming, and Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines.
We provide care and education for children the year before they attend full-time school. We follow the Queensland Kindergarten Guidelines.
Operational Hours are Monday to Friday 7.00am - 5.30pm
Kindy Program Operational Hours are Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 4.00pm
Children enrolled in the program will be cared for within the hours of 7.00am am to 5.30pm
Contact our Kindy
4 Hastie Street Mareeba 4880
1300 226 700
Accurate as at 2024
Long Day Care
Annual enrolment fee $50.00 first child and $25.00 for each additional child
Daily Fee $130.50 per day
Daily casual booking fees apply, $135.50 per casual day
Annual enrolment fee $50.00 first child and $25.00 for each additional child
Daily Fee (fixed session fee) $130.50
Daily casual booking fees apply, $135.50 per casual day